Betsy Gorman
(703) 861-4825

Bette Gorman
(703) 585-2235

Long & Foster
400 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
(703) 683-0400 - Phone
(703) 763-5750 - Fax

Simple Fixes

Taking care of simple maintenance items should definitely be on your “to do” list.  Taking care of the obvious maintenance items will give a buyer a sense of confidence that your house has been well cared for and is in good condition. If you ignore doing the small repairs, a buyer may wonder what other repairs and maintenance have also been ignored.

Some maintenance items to pay attention to are:

  • leaking faucets
  • electrical plugs/lights that do not function properly
  • cracked tile/loose grout
  • mildewed caulk around bathtub/shower
  • broken/cracked window glass
  • missing/ripped window screens
  • rotted wood
  • loose cabinets
  • burnt out light bulbs
  • dirty furnace filter
  • doors that do not open or close properly
  • loose door handles

These are all easy and inexpensive to fix and should be done so your house can shine.