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Sex Nakne kåte damer norske amatør porno Her er fem ting du burde tenke på når du skal velge nye stigbøyler. Det er altså snakk om internasjonale merker som er populære i Norge og mange andre land. Per Sandal fann

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New First Time Homebuyer Financing in City of Alexandria

City of Alexandria Announces New Financing Opportunity for First Time Home Buyers For Immediate Release: October 9, 2018 The City of Alexandria has announced the availability of Community Homeownership Revitalization Program (CHRP) funds to provide first-time homebuyers with permanent financing

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Personal property tax due October 5-replace your decals!

Personal property (car) tax is due at the City of Alexandria on October 5. Be sure to pay your tax on time AND don’t forget to replace your decal(s). Every resident will receive the City decal that goes on the

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The Most Glorious Time of Year

  Spring, the most glorious time of year! I love that the weather turns warmer, outside events populate our calendars, everyone’s mood lifts, the real estate market heats up and, it’s Spring Clean Up in the City of Alexandria! What’s

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How does the new tax law affect real estate?

The tax bill signed into law in December 2017 has some important provisions for taxpayers who own real estate (or who hope to purchase real estate) in 2018.  Below are some highlights of the new law.  As always, consult your

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Considering VRBO or Airbnb in Alexandria?

The City of Alexandria released the following press release containing information regarding short terms rentals in Alexandria. If you are considering offering your property as a short term rental, the information below may be helpful to you.   On January

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Winter is Here

The recent cold snap in our region was a sudden and brutal reminder that winter has arrived.  You can and should prepare your house for cold temperatures to avoid higher than necessary heating costs and the potential headache of cleaning

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